cyborggarbage's e-zine

garbage words from a garbage person

I am one month and four days away from turning 29 and I am starting a blog.

I don’t know why but it just feels right. It will likely be a very stupid expedition into vanity but maybe I will have fun and that’s important too.

It will be about a lot of things but I guess expect an expansion of what you might’ve pieced together about me online already. Generally lead by passion for: cyberpunk, hackers, degrassi, snails, slugs, movies, textiles, art, punk, diy, zines, comics, how some of these things come together.

I’m thinking about it as an e-zine more than a blog. I want to make fun little shapes move, I want to learn about coding and I want to explore and this seems like a good way to do it.

my personal internet manifesto

the internet was never supposed to be like this.

we were supposed to be confusing, messy and misunderstood online. now every post is taken at face value, we lose context and the ability to express ourselves. we're stuck in some awful, convoluted capitalistic nightmare. this is my commitment to doing something like what early web explorer's wanted, making a ridiculous and weird little hole that i'll call my own and do whatever i want on.